Contact Us

Get in touch to ask questions, get advice and report problems

The DVLA are making progress with their completely new Vehicle Keeper database lookup and we have been told that they will share details of the new system with link providers such as our selves, in the coming weeks.
Until the new system comes on-line, the DVLA tell us, they are unable to accept new enrolments.

If you would like updates when we get them, please drop a line to
12 June 2024

How to make contact

We are here to help. Please get in touch if you have any questions or need advice.

Prospective customers

If you are prospective customer interested in knowing more about our service, you can email with your questions and comments and we will get back to you.

Enquiries from existing customers

If you would like to discuss any aspect of your service, please get in touch at

Support for existing customers

We prefer support issues to be raised on our support portal because it tracks against your service level agreement (SLA). On the support portal you can:

  • Get general IT support for the KADOE service
  • Report System problems
  • Upgrade and request system changes
  • Submit feedback and suggestions.

When you raise an issue on the portal, a support ticket is automatically raised and assigned to the most appropriate colleague. Our ticketing system tracks the stages of the ticket and raises alerts to us if a ticket is not likely to meet the SLA you have with us.